Together, one team,
one goal...
Create the best software for our photographers community.
Meet our team
Working hard to develop new features for you and always ready to help!
Christiaan de Groot
CEO / photographer
Christiaan has been a wedding photographer for over a decade and always been active in photographers communities. With Shootzilla he aims to help photographers get structure in their business and become successful thriving photographers.
Helpdesk Superstar
Do you have a question about Shootzilla? Carmela will be the first to answer. With her BIG smile she will make sure you will be happy too!
Esther de Boer
Content creator / photographer
Esther is the creator of many of the systems in the Shootzilla software, the articles on the blog and the free downloads. She loves to write, create content and help business owners implement systems in their lives.
Our Ambassadors
These amazing photographers love working with Shootzilla and can tell you all about it!
Shootzilla Users & Friends
You might know some of our happy Shootzilla users....
and many more....
The Simplicity And Ease Of Use Is What I Chose ShootZilla For

I came across Shootzilla by googling a bunch of things like 'photography studio management' 'management software' client management software' etc.
I started a trial with Shootzilla and ShootQ, and a few others I can't remember the names of now, and all of them were just too much for what I need and too involved.
The simplicity and easy of use is what I chose Shootzilla over the others for, and will never look back, I can't begin to explain how much better my studio runs now, and I'm never stressing about what needs to be done next!! I'm so on top of everything and all my clients now like never before!
Thanks so much for your software, and your awesome customer service!
I have increased my revenues by 75%

Shootzilla helps me on a daily base with staying up-to-date with my tasks and clients.
I love the green and blue markers on the dashboard ;-) but honestly ...I like the 'flow' that Shootzilla gives me.
I made several email templates in my photoshoot workflow. I do a lot of family shoots these days and with one certain e-mail, I have increased my revenues by 75%. So I have happy customers and they have a happy photographer! ;-)
It is always clear what I have 'to do today' and that gives me peace of mind and space for more creativity.
I now focus on the tasks at hand

It's a great system to keep your client data up to date and to record everything you discuss with them. Esther loves to cooperate with the users of ShootZilla because she keeps improving the system and also implements requests that make using the tool easier and easier over time.
It provides me with an overview of all my outstanding inquiries and also a good overview of all my current clients. Everything I have discussed with them I have neatly organized in one system and it makes it super easy and quick to find something.
It provides me with clarity and peace of mind, my mailbox is always empty and everything is quickly archived.
I love the fact that you use tasks and deadlines in the workflows. It makes me focus on the tasks at hand and not occupy my mind with things I don't have to do anything with right now. Those tasks are 'green' on the dashboard so that's all good! Yay!
I have everything that is important for my business all together in one system
I use ShootZilla sometime now and it works like a charm to me. Don't know what to do if I didn't have the overview of my projects.
I love the workflow part. At any time I see what I have to do next, for every job. I can adjust the workflow very easily and add another one or just change it.
I photograph weddings but also families, corporate shoots and I give workshops and sell books. I'm using ShootZilla to manage all these projects so it is not only for photography jobs. I made a different kind of "mindset" in ShootZilla and everyone in our business has his/her own part. For example, our V.A. handles the "mindset" back office and my partner handles the financial part of the business as "mindset" Wim. This makes it very easy to give everyone tasks.
We are very happy with ShootZilla. We are not considering another system. Even on my phone, I have control over every part of a job. I have everything that is important for my business all together in one system.
ShootZilla has cleared my head in busy times

I LOVE ShootZilla! It makes my work so much easier. I know that all my customers are ok. I check my tasks overview once every day to see if something needs to be done. Now I can rest assured that I don't forget anything anymore!
Before I used ShootZilla I worked with written notes on my desk (and my hand and my computer) but that certainly doesn't do the trick for me.
My favorite part is absolutely the email integration! I can send an email using an email template within seconds and that saves me sooooo much time!
The biggest result for me is that working with ShootZilla has cleared my head in busy times. I don't have to think about all my clients, Shootzilla does that for me. I only have to focus on what is important right now.
I would have to hire an assistant if I didn't have Shootzilla

I use ShootZilla because it is a great way to have control of my workflows, and not missing out on anything.
My favorite part is the calendar and the workflows. I use it every day and would have to hire an assistant if I didn't have Shootzilla.
We booked more clients

What I love most about Shootzilla is how the contact form integration from my website to Shootzilla immediately creates an event with a workflow for every inquiry that I get. Love it.
Scheduled emails. AMAZING.
The overview also makes me be able to switch off, knowing everything is under control.
Another big win after we started using Shootzilla is that we booked more clients. Some leads we thought had gone cold, we were able to convert into business without having to invest as much time as we used to.
With Shootzilla I feel confident that all my client's needs are addressed and I found that to be an immense weight lifted off my shoulders.
FINALLY got my workflow in place and can ensure best customer service

Pros: With ShootZilla if FINALLY got my workflow in place and can ensure best customer service and reliability for my clients. The software really forces you to think about what your ideal workflow is and incorporate it step by step. Now I can take on more clients and still be on top of all the processes with amazing peace of mind. Shootzilla is very easy to use and quite customizable. It really opened my eyes in regards of professionality and streamlining. On top of that, the customer service is incredible: the team of Shootzilla know the photography field very well and is usually back to you with a helpful answer within 24 hours.
Signing up for Shootzilla was one of the top 5 most valuable business investments of my career as a photographer. If you are considering doing it: stop thinking and try it out for yourself!
Cons: There is really nothing bad about the software. I personally would wish some more customized options but I understand that my needs might not be everyone else's. Either way, Shootzilla spot on covers 95% of all I would ever wish for in a client management system.
Overall: Peace of mind, incredible increase of efficiency, better customer service, more income
I Now Have Overview And Peace Of Mind

I now have a great overview and peace of mind when I see my shoots and weddings neatly listed in Shootzilla.
Not only do I know in which phase I am with each job, I also know how much time I have to complete the phase.
Being able to insert my whole workflow in the system, Shootzilla has taken all the clutter out of my head and arrange it in an easy timeline where I know exactly what comes next.
My Thoughts Are Organized And I'm In Flow

As a wedding videographer my days are flustered with tasks like filming, editing, administration, receiving requests from brides and answering them with an offer.
Normally, because these are so many tasks connected to different people, I would stress out and loose control. Now, with Shootzilla, I can finally go with the flow. My thoughts are organized, and I know when I need to do what to keep this flow going.
I want to thank the team of Shootzilla for offering such a complete system for wedding photographers, in my opinion also suitable for videographers.
I Have A Total Overview Of All My Photography Jobs

Before I found ShootZilla, I had no good overview of my business.
I had no system for a good marketing workflow to generate the upsell that I knew I could make.
I had all my photo shoots and workshops scattered in many different applications and documents like Excel, calendar, email, etc..
I tried to be in control of my workflow. But it was really messy and I lost a lot of time and momentum with all my customers and I had no overview.
Needless to say I fell immediately in love with ShootZilla first time I saw it.
Now I could finally systematize marketing, communications and my sales & upselling.
I got a total overview of all of my photography jobs and even my workshops.
The three best things about ShootZilla for me:
- The overview with reminders
- My customers’ requests going straight into the system
- I can systematically process the customer through the complete upselling emails, and I get increased income through that. Almost automatically!
ShootZilla Changed My Life!

ShootZilla exceeds my expectations. I really feel so much at ease now instead of the panic attacks that I used to have. I can now look at my dashboard, close my computer and have a good time, where I used to be working all night since the wedding couples were always waiting (in my mind).
ShootZilla changed the way I work. Thanks to the tasks screen in ShootZilla I easily follow up 8 leads at once or send invoices all at once, instead of doing it when they come in, like I used to do.
ShootZilla saves me time & gives me peace of mind. It sounds big to say it about an app but ShootZilla practically changed my life!
It gives me peace of mind which gives me more time to do fun stuff

I love how everything is now in one place and no longer distributed in 3 different systems. I look at it daily and it gives me overview and control. I am no longer (feeling) behind on my tasks.
It gives me more peace of mind which gives me more time to do fun stuff and also gives me a break from thinking about the tasks in my business.
It provides a more uniform approach towards my couples. Before ShootZilla I was able to forget to do a task with one couple which would bother me and now all couples get the full experience when they book me. Nothing falls through the cracks.
I used to work with a spreadsheet with lots of colors and remembered a lot in my head. Now that is completely transferred to ShootZilla and it also saves all the contact details.
I now have more overview, fewer details to go over in my head. Like “Oh help, I have to do that!”
I also just booked a wedding through the ShootZilla network, Yay!
It saves me from worrying and feeling anxious the night before a wedding. I used to be going through all my notes to see if I didn’t forget anything. With ShootZilla everything is in one place.
I am so much more professional towards my clients now

I am so much more professional towards my clients now. In the past, it happened that I sent out my wedding survey a couple days before the wedding! That causes stress for the couple as well! Now ShootZilla reminds me to send it in time… and the fun part is, I only have to press send!
I Save Time With ShootZilla

The overview of ShootZilla is what really makes me happy, I save time not thinking about what to do next and I look professional towards my brides and grooms being on top of my game and always emailing them at just the right time.
Everything related to my client is stored in one place in the cloud now.
All contracts, invoices or offers are stored with the client. If they send me an update I know where to file it. I never have to search for anything anymore.
I save a couple of hours each week because of that alone.
In the midst of this wedding photographer’s hectic life with ShootZilla I remain calm and at peace.
I Know The Progress Of My Work In A Glance

I work with the overview and the client screen the most. It's great to have the overview of where I am with all my bookings. I know immediately how many bookings I have and how far they are in my workflow. Before ShootZilla I filed every booking in a separate folder on my computer. When I needed to check on the status of clients before, I was digging into each folder and it took a lot of time.
With ShootZilla I can find stuff easily and I know the progress of my work at a glance!
I also love that it's available wherever I am, through the web app.
A big benefit for me is that I know without a doubt that nothing is slipping through the cracks. I have added every little task in my workflow to ShootZilla, like checking on a downpayment or if they returned my forms. I used to forget that sometimes before ShootZilla. I also use the ShootZilla workflow to remind me to mark my favorites of each wedding.
ShootZilla feels more professional in my business, it makes me proud to see how much I have accomplished, how many booked weddings I can attend to now.
The Immediate Effect Of Signing Up For ShootZilla Was Peace Of Mind

I was managing my shoots with a combination of Evernote, my calendar and my mind. For every shoot I was doing little calculations in my head, looking at the calendar, recalling what my next move for that particular shoot had to be and putting it in my weekly and daily overviews in Evernote. When I signed up for the trial of ShootZilla I directly put in all my shoots in progress. And the immediate effect was peace of mind. ShootZilla created overview and I could really let go of all the details.I had not even finished my 14-day trial and I already received 3 referrals of which one already scheduled a meeting with me! Impressive!
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